Animated GIFs:

S i t e m a p


This corner of the interwebs is designed to be a trove of all the wonders, delights, and curiosities that have brought fullness to my life.

Lists of all the media that have entertained me, tales of nostalgia and novelty from my youth, chronicles on the hobbies that have meant so much to me— all of it will be here for you to unwrap like a present decked in happy sparkly gift paper.


  • Redo layout for Guestbook page
  • Optimize my homepage and button wall page for mobile screens
  • Optimize my resources page for mobile screens;
  • Design the layout for my representation movie page
  • Design the layout of my Film & TV booth page
  • Design the layout for Blue's Clues page
  • Design the layout for Crafting booth page
  • Rewrite my memories of VHSs and video rental stores that are on my Film & TV booth page
  • Write about my experiences with the drive-in theater for my Film & TV booth page
  • Write "What is soulbonding?" section for my Soulbonds Fav Fair booth page
  • Add a Webrings and Pixel Cliques page
  • Add a home buttion to my links & resources page
  • Add a back to top button for my links & resources page
  • Add a booth to my Fav Fair booth carousel for Games
  • Design and add a sitemap
  • Design and add a Games Booth Page
  • Add "Blue's Clues Food I've Had" carousel slideshow to my Blue's Clues page


March 2025
  • 03/05: Added 3 buttons to my button wall; added soulbonder blinkie to my "Snapshot of Me";
February 2025
  • 02/23: Added more links to my resources page;
  • 02/18: Added some more blinkies to my "Snapshot of Me" section; Added 1 button to my button wall; Added a new Fav Fair booth for "Games"; Changed "Soulbonds" to "Munbonds"; Added Representation Movie Playlists page in basic hTML;
  • 02/15: Added posters to my horror movie page. In Comedy: Lisa Frankenstein; Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person; Your Monster; Teeth. In Supernatural Meander; Five Nights at Freddy's; Grimcutty; The Advent Calendar; As Above so Below; The Borderlands aka Final Prayer; The Babadook; The Black Phone; The Lost Boys; Good Manners. In Mundane Saw Movie Collection; Removed the following movies from my horror movies page: Assassination Nation; Glorious; Barbarian; Anna and the Apocalypse; amd Gremlins.
July 2024
  • 07/30: Added several more links to my resources page;
September 2023
  • 10/20: Launched my horror movie playlist page; Fixed some errors that was happening with my freezeframe.js buttons; Added more links to my resources page;
  • 10/19: Added lazy loading to all the scrollable images on my page; removed target=black for button wall due to accessibility concerns; fixed the missing frame and background on my home and button wall pages;
  • 10/17: More links to my resources page;
  • 10/16: Reorganized folder structure and compressed images;
  • 10/12: More links to my resources page;
  • 9/22: Added on/off animation gif toggle to my webpages for accessibility;
  • 9/21: The redesign of my resources page is LIVE!!! 🎉🎉🎉
  • 9/20: Resized images and reduced data load to decrease website refresh size;
  • 9/16: Added some things to my to do list and rearranged them in approx. priority; added some more blinkies to my Snapshot of Me section; Cleaned up some of my code on the backend; Changed all font sizing to em; Fixed keyboard tab navigation;
  • 9/14: Added 28 new buttons to my button wall;
  • 9/13: Redesigned the entirety of the main homepage;

    Removed all dead links from button wall, updated 6 buttons to newer ones, and added 28 brand new ones;


Snapshot of Me


Lav & Val


She/Her & He/Him


Flashing Blinkies Below

DISABLED HOTTIE firefox user weird girl alert WEREWOLF LOVER Nerdy Weirdo WEBMISTRESS cleverly disguised as a responsible adult Radfems fuck off trinket collector That's Miss Brat to you Passionate for Purple don't like, don't read SCRAPBOOKER I heart Blue's Clues My guy doesn't wear my dresses, He has his own! MY BRAIN IS GOOP judge yourself, not me alterhuman cozy gamer CAUTION! PAINFULLY HONEST Neurodiversity symbol clutter queen, collector of everything if I seem a little strange, well that's because I am I used to contain myself, but I escaped I am cringe, but I am free ACAB (all cops are bastards) Hell yeah, I'm weird Polyamory - I love my partners! soulbonder Pretty Boy Monster Girl Maniac I love 80s toys fuck you cis beauty standards I have weird ideas of what it means to be a man I love crafts. neurodivergent BORN TO BE SILLY Queer as in fuck you! rainbow lover I love pastel colors! you cannot comprehend the depth of my exhaustion. disabled pride i live my own world anti-copyright this user is a bunny Film Enthusiast feminine men with punches the ground action Caution: I Bite! Fem + Masc Terms End World Normopathy

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